Niko Kaplanis

Niko Kaplanis in the intertidal zone.

Niko is working to improve long-term monitoring of the rocky intertidal zone of the Northeast Pacific Coast. Niko is utilizing data from the Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network (MARINe) to examine large-scale and long-term species responses to sea-level variability. He is also exploring how large-area imaging surveys can be used to complement existing monitoring. Niko is also an educator. He designed and teaches BIOE 158L: Field Methods in Marine Ecology, and BIOE 215: Field-based Teaching Pedagogy. He is also a Graduate Pedagogy Fellow with the UCSC Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). In this role, Niko has worked to increase involvement and retention of students in marine science through equity-minded, field-based teaching. When not working, Niko enjoys spending time outside with his friends and family.Â